You guys, I feel terrible for the poor animals that were left behind or had to flee the war in Ukraine! The fighting and destruction is bad enough for people, but at least humans have some agency while animals solely depend on their human caretakers to help them withstand or escape the terror. Plus, they can’t make sense of the horrible situation at all.
I can barely think about the poor animals in zoos and sanctuaries without fighting back tears. Can you fathom the trauma homeless animals in shelters experience? They don’t even have a person to cuddle up to. Can you imagine being a cat, a dog or rabbit who is being dragged to a bomb shelter? (Our cat Gilbert gets distraught when we move the litter box to a new location or change his feeding time.)
Dancing Bear Breaking Loose, recycled fabric, 57x52 in., 2022
As I was figuring out what I could do to help, I came across a fundraising campaign that drew attention to a bear sanctuary in Western Ukraine. I have always felt bad for bears that are made to live with humans as “pets” or who find themselves forced to work in the entertainment industry. This is how my newest project came about.
I decided that 25% of the proceeds of Dancing Bear Breaking Loose, will go to the Animal Welfare Institute, a nonprofit that has been working tirelessly to fundraise for animals impacted by the war in Ukraine. Among their beneficiaries are animals crossing the border into neighboring countries that are in need of urgent medical care; a bear sanctuary; and various international nonprofits that continue to care for animals left behind in shelters and zoos. If you don't like my quilt (impossible!) but would like to make a donation through their website, you can designate your gift to "Ukraine." The quilt measures 57x52 inches and is quilted by hand. It is entirely made from recycled fabrics donated to me by kind strangers and friends.
As a side note, I would like to remind you that 5% of the proceeds of my quilts always go to the magnificent Animal Legal Defense Fund. If, between now and the end of the month, you buy one of my "older" quilts, I will make an additional donation of 10% to Animal Welfare Institute to benefit the poor, suffering animals of the Ukraine.