This little wall hanging was inspired by a past animal situation in our own house. My husband and I own two rabbits and two cats. For the most part everyone gets along. An exception was our little lion-head bunny Peanut—may she rest in peace. Peanut would grunt at and chase after cats and rabbits whenever they would dare come too close to her territory. While one cat sometimes overstepped the invisible line, the other cat mainly watched from a safe distance.
The wall hanging’s design reflects my admiration of the Asafo flags created by the Fante people of the West African country of Ghana. Asafo flags are visual representations of military organizations, and each Asafo (“company”) has its own flag with a wide range of animal imagery representing it. I felt like these two narratives—Peanut’s and the Fante people’s defense of what they considered dangers and property—were made for each other.
The wall hanging has a jeans background and is made from mixed, repurposed fabrics. It measures 25 x 19 inches and can be dry-cleaned.
Photos: Rebecca Krasnik