My obsession with puppets started out with a bunny puppet that came to me after waking from anesthesia after small medical procedure. I gave the puppet to a neighbor’s child because it was adorable and violated my anti-cuteness policy. Yet, I wasn’t quite done yet with the puppet business. I did some research on puppets and came across some very interesting findings, as chronicled on my blog. Also, I had just started volunteering at the Wild Bird Fund, a wonderful organization that helps wildlife in New York recover from injury. Many of their patients are pigeons and, as I’ve written, I fell in love with them right away. A pigeon puppet just seemed like the logical next step.
The pigeon puppets are made from recycled shirts from Goodwill and stitched by hand. They can be washed and air-dried. Top and backing are 100% cotton, the batting is 100% wool. Contact me for price.
Photo: Rebecca Krasnik