I don’t know what it is with me and why I can’t just make nice things. Every time something is getting too cute I have to destroy it. Sort of. For example: I picked up a cozy white corduroy jacket from Goodwill and immediately my mind went lamblamblamb. I have long been spellbound by baby lambs making the cutest little binkies (spazzy little jumps that distort their bodies into ridiculous poses). There are YouTube videos out there if you need to see for yourself. When I was done with the lamb I thought: A) this lamb is way too cute and B) it is very possibly possessed. Thus I added a pentagram (or pentacle), the circled five-pointed star that most people associate with witchcraft or Satanism. Wiccans argue that the pentagram is far from being an evil symbol, but rather represents protection, the self or the spirit. The five points of the pentagram represent five basic elements: earth, air, fire, water and spirit. So all is fine. You may cover your witchy baby with this witchy little lamb, or use the quilt as a wall-hanging over his or her crib. No harm done.
This quilt is 100% cotton (with the exception of the pentagram which is some sort of synthetic gold band and the shiny little hooves, made from some 80s dress ). It is stitched by hand and can be machine-washed and line-dried. Contact me for price.
Photo: Rebecca Krasnik