Bats have a bad rap. Just recently Fox News blamed them for the outbreak of the Coronavirus, claiming that Chinese people are eating raw bats.
“They are very hungry people,” host Jesse Watters said, demanding an apology from the Chinese for the outbreak.
It might be true that bats carry all kinds of germs and viruses—a very good reason to leave them alone and watch their magic from afar. Bats seem like creatures from another planet, with the power to transport us into a world that is better and funnier and cuter and fiercer than ours. I can’t believe how many different varieties of bats there are! The world is a better place because of bats in it. In fact, I want Fox News to issue an apology to all the bats of this world!
This quilt is made from men’s shirts from Goodwill and from my husband, who donated his last black shirt to me when I told him about the alchemy that was about to unfold in my studio. At 76 x 34 inches, the quilt would make the perfect headboard behind a King-sized bed—or a wall-hanging in an attic and/or children’s room. It is 100% cotton, hand-stitched with Finca Presencia pearl cotton thread. (Rest assured that all fabric was washed and dried at high temperatures for hygienic purposes before I began working on it.) Please contact me for a price at
And if you are as much into bats as I am, you might also want to consider the other, slightly smaller bat quilt I made.