This quilted book features the 10 plagues of Egypt told from the perspective of the animals that were affected by the epidemics that struck Egypt during the time of the Exodus. Made from used denim and other recycled fabric, the “book” features 12 panels, including a cover “page,” a portrait of the antagonists, Moses and the Pharaoh, and a panel for each of the 10 plagues: blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children. The quilt was inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic and is one of three quilts that tackle the subject of the worldwide outbreak that cost millions of people their lives. The quilted book is available as a little printed book, which also features an essay about the 10 plagues. It is a fun and interesting read for both adults and children. (If you’d like to purchase a copy, email me for details at sabineheinlein@gmail.com) You can learn more about the book and view more images of the quilt on my blog.